Gouki Knightmare Deck June 2018
Archetype that Go-Onizuka used in Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains. Gouki has a powerful potential even can easily make a Extra Link, preventing opponent to Special Summon from Extra Deck. Even better, with help from Knightmare monsters, you can completely preventing your opponent to Special Summon any monster, so you won't be afraid of any Kaiju that will get rid one of your important monster. Furthermore, your monsters will protect each other so your opponent can't really do anything and just rage quit! So this is it : Gouki Knightmare Deck June 2018.
About Gouki Archetype
Gouki is an archetype of EARTH attribute Warrior type monsters that have 0 DEF. Their main deck monsters have similar effect, that is "If this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard: You can add 1 "Gouki" card from your Deck to your hand, except [itself]". This effect is really good to abuse Firewall Dragon's effect to Special Summon the added Gouki monster by those effect. Giving you more material to spam more Link monster and help you make Extra Link. With help of Isolde, Two Tales of the Nobles Knights, Gouki can do 2 card combo to perform link spam! And with help from Knightmare archetype, Gouki can perform Extra Deck easier with more powerful board. To prevent card lost from Knightmare monster's cost. Gouki can use Divine Sword - Phoenix Blade instead. This equip will be sent by Isolde's effect, and can be recycled easily because we'll have so many Warrior on Graveyard. So not only performing an Extra Link, we'll get so many draw from Knightmare's co-linked effect.
Gouki Knightmare Play-style
The first thing you must do is summoning Isolde, so you need 2 Warriors on the Field. And with this deck, summoning 2 Warrior monsters is piece of cake. You can do it with Suprex, Marauding Captain, Junk Forward, or even Ophyrs Scorpio. Just summon of them and you'll get 2 Warrior on the Field, unless you have a very bad hand. In the end, you'll get a bunch of powerful monster including full-strength Tri-Gate Wizard in an Extra Link and Iblee in your opponent's Field, preventing them to Special Summon any monster. Also your monsters can't be destroyed by effect, can't be targeted, and/or can't be destroyed by battle. If you want to see some action from this deck, you can also watch my Gouki Knightmare in this video below :
Download Deck : https://goo.gl/1KyX2s
Gouki Knightmare Deck Profile
Main Deck
Monster [27]
2 Gem-Knight Garnet1 Gouki Bearhug
1 Gouki Riscorpio
3 Gouki Suprex
1 Performage Trick Clown
3 Gouki Twistcobra
3 Predaplant Ophyrs Scorpio
2 Marauding Captain
1 Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra
2 Junk Forward
3 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
2 Gouki Headbatt
1 Knightmare Corruptor Iblee
1 Gouki Octostrecth
Spell [12]
1 Reinforcement of the Army1 Soul Charge
2 Gouki Rematch
1 Monster Reborn
2 Called by the Grave
3 Brilliant Fusion
1 Moon Mirror Shield
1 Divine Sword - Phoenix Blade
Trap [1]
1 Imperial OrderExtra Deck
Fusion Monster [1]
1 Gem-Knight SeraphiniteXYZ Monster [1]
1 M-X-Saer InvokerLink Monster [13]
1 Curious, the Lightsworn Dominion1 Firewall Dragon
1 Knightmare Gryphon
2 Knightmare Phoenix
1 Tri-Gate Wizard
1 Knightmare Unicorn
1 Knightmare Goblin
1 Binary Sorcerer
1 Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights
1 Linkuriboh
1 Knightmare Memaid
Gouki Knightmare Deck Tips and Combos
Combo #1
Cards needed : Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio + any monster
- Normal Summon Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio, use the effect to send 1 monster from your hand to Graveyard and Special Summon Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra from your Deck.
- Use Darlingtonia's effect to add Brilliant Fusion from Deck to your hand
- Use Ophrys Scorpio and Darlingtonia to Xyz Summon M-X-Saber Invoker
- Use Invoker's effect to Special Summon Gouki Suprex from your deck.
- Use Invoker and Suprex to Link Summon Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights
- [As chain link 2] Use Isolde's effect to add high level Gouki monster from Deck to your hand (for example Gouki Bearhug)
- [As chain link 1] Use Suprex's effect to add Gouki Headbatt from Deck to your hand
- Use Isolde's other effect, send Divine Sword - Phoenix Blade from deck to Graveyard, and Special Summon Gouki Octostrech from Deck.
- Use Headbatt's effect by targeting Octostrecth, send Bearhug to Graveyard, and Special summon himself in Defense position.
- Use Headbatt and Octostrech to Link Summon Knightmare Phoenix on center Main Monster Zone.
- Use Headbatt and Octostrech effect to add Gouki Rematch and Gouki monster that haven't use his effect (for example Gouki Twistcobra)
- Activate Brilliant Fusion, and Fusion Summon Gem-Knight Seraphinite by sending Gem-Knight Garnet and Performage Trick Clown as material
- Use Trick Clown's effect to special summon himself then take 1000 damage
- Use Isolde, Seraphinite, and Trick Clown to Link Summon Firewall Dragon, place him beside Knightmare Phoenix
- Banish 2 Warrior monsters to return Phoenix Blade to your hand
- Use Phoenix to Link Summon Knightmare Mermaid, place her above Firewall Dragon, also discard Phoenix Blade as cost for Mermaid's effect
- [As chain link 2] Use Firewall's effect to Special Summon Twistcobra from your hand
- [As chain link 1] Use Mermaid's effect to Special Summon Knightmare Corruptor Iblee from Deck
- Banish 2 Warrior monsters to return Phoenix Blade to your hand
- Use Iblee and Twistcobra to Link Summon Knightmare Goblin, place him on the left of Firewall Dragon, also discard Phoenix Blade as cost for Goblin's effect
- [As chain link 2] Use Twistcobra's effect to add Gouki monster that haven't use his effect (in this case Gouki Riscorpio)
- [As chain link 1] You'll get bonus Normal Summon this turn due to Goblin's effect
- Activate Gouki Rematch to special summon 2 Gouki monsters
- Use both Gouki monsters to Link Summon Binary Sorcerer
- Use Firewall effect to add Iblee, Octostrech, and any monster from Graveyard to your hand.
- Use bonus Normal Summon to Summon Iblee, then use her effect to Special Summon Knightmare Phoenix from Graveyard, place Phoenix on the left of Iblee
- Use Iblee and Binary Sorcerer to Link Summon Tri-Gate Wizard, place him on the left of Goblin
- [As chain link 2] Use Iblee's effect to Special Summon her on opponent's Field
- [As chain link 1] Use Firewall's effect to Special Summon Riscorpio from your hand
- Use Riscorpio and Phoenix to Link summon Knightmare Unicorn, place him above Tri-Gate Wizard
- [As chain link 2] Use Riscorpio's effect to add any Gouki monster
- [As chain link 1] Use Firewall's effet to Special Summon Octostrech from your hand
- Use Octostrech to Link Summon Linkuriboh
- Use Firewall's effect to Special Summon a monster from your hand
- Use Linkuriboh and other monster to Link Summon 2nd Knightmare Phoenix, place him on the left of Tri-Gate Wizard
- Use Firewall's effect to Special Summon a monster from your hand
- Use Firewall and other monster to Link Summon Knightmare Cerberus, place him below Knightmare Mermaid
Combo #2
Cards needed : 2 Junk Forward or 2 Marauding Captain or both of them + any monster
- Special Summon Junk Forward and Normal Summon Marauding Captain
- Use both of them to Xyz Summon M-X-Saber Invoker
- Use Invoker's effect to Special Summon Gouki Suprex from your deck
- Use Invoker and Suprex to Link Summon Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights
- [As chain link 2] Use Isolde's effect to add high level Gouki monster from Deck to your hand (for example Gouki Bearhug)
- [As chain link 1] Use Suprex's effect to add Gouki Headbatt from Deck to your hand
- Use Isolde's other effect, send Divine Sword - Phoenix Blade from deck to Graveyard, and Special Summon Gouki Octostrech from Deck
- Use Headbatt's effect by targeting Octostrecth, send Bearhug to Graveyard, and Special summon himself in Defense position
- Use Headbatt and Octostrech to Link Summon Knightmare Cerberus on center Main Monster Zone
- Use Headbatt and Octostrech effect to add Gouki Rematch and Gouki monster that haven't use his effect (for example Gouki Twistcobra)
- Activate Gouki Rematch to special summon 2 Gouki monsters
- Use Isolde and both Gouki Monsters to Link Summon Firewall Dragon, place him beside Knightmare Cerberus
- Banish 2 Warrior monsters to return Phoenix Blade to your hand
- Use Cerberus to Link Summon Knightmare Mermaid, place her above Firewall Dragon, also discard Phoenix Blade as cost for Mermaid's effect
- [As chain link 2] Use Firewall's effect to Special Summon Twistcobra from your hand
- [As chain link 1] Use Mermaid's effect to Special Summon Knightmare Corruptor Iblee from Deck
- Banish 2 Warrior monsters to return Phoenix Blade to your hand
- Use Iblee and Twistcobra to Link Summon Knightmare Goblin, place him on the left of Firewall Dragon, also discard Phoenix Blade as cost for Goblin's effect
- [As chain link 4] Use Firewall's other effect to add Iblee and Octostrech from Graveyard to your hand
- [As chain link 3] Use Twistcobra's effect to add Gouki monster that haven't use his effect (in this case Gouki Riscorpio)
- [As chain link 2] Use Firewall's effect to Special Summon Riscorpio from your hand
- [As chain link 1] You'll get bonus Normal Summon this turn due to Goblin's effect
- Use bonus Normal Summon to Summon Iblee, then use her effect to Special Summon Knightmare Cerberus from Graveyard, place Cerberus on the right of Iblee
- Use Riscorpio and Iblee to Link Summon Binary Sorcerer
- [As Chain Link 2] Use Riscorpio's effect to add any Gouki monster
- [As chain link 1] Use Firewall's effet to Special Summon Gouki Monster from your hand
- Use Gouki monster, Binaru Sorcerer, and Cerberus to Link Summon Curious, the Lightsworn Dominion
- [As chain link 2] Use Firewall's effet to Special Summon Octostrecth from your hand
- [As chain link 1] Use Curious's effect to send Imperial Order from Deck to Graveyard, then Curious will mill 3 other cards from top of your Deck
- Banish 2 Warrior monsters to return Phoenix Blade to your hand
- Use Octostrecth and Curious to Link Summon Knightmare Gryphon
- Use Gryphon's effect to discard Phoenix Blade as a cost, and Set Imperial Order from Graveyard to your Spell/Trap Zone
Tips #1
If you can summon at least one Gouki monster and any other Warrior monster, you can go for Isolde instead of Summoning M-X-Saber Invoker first. The main purpose of Invoker is so you can summon Suprex, and you can search for Headbatt, the other important card for link spam combo
Tips #2
If you can't choose between Phoenix or Cerberus, just decide which side do you want to work with. If you want to work with left side of Field, summon Phoenix so you can summon Firewall on the right side, vice versa. This deck has 2 copies of Phoenix because I want to work with left side of Field. So if you want to workd with right side of the Field, add 2 copies of Cerberus instead, or just having 2 copies of both of them
Tips #3
If you don't have any Gouki monster in your hand, don't worry. If you have 2 copies of Junk Forward or Marauding Captain or 1 copies of each of them, you can go for M-X-Saber Invoker and Special Summon Gouki Suprex. You can also summon Invoker with Ophrys Scorpio
Tips #4
If you already have Headbatt when you summon Isolde, you can search for non-Gouki Warrior monster with Isolde's effect. So you can search for more Gouki card on the rest of combo, giving you a chance to have a more powerful board
Gouki Knightmare Key Cards
Key Card #1 Gouki Monsters
Not just Gouki Suprex, but all Gouki Monster, including the high level one. To make powerful board, you need to summon at least one Gouki monster before summoning Isolde. If you summon Isolde without summon any Gouki Monster, you'll just end with one Link-3 monster, in this deck Unicorn or Tri-Gate Wizard. Both of these monster are weak if they're alone on the Field. But the good news is, it's easy to summon Gouki monster with this deck, even if you have none in your hand.
Key Card #2 Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights
Became main link monster for Warrior-based deck, including Gouki. With this monster, you can add Gouki monster as cost for Headbatt, plus you can easily summon Octostrech from deck by sending Divine Sword - Phoenix Blade. All important cards to make a very powerful board
Key Card #3 Knightmare Phoenix and Knightmare Cerberus
The first Knightmare monster that you'll summon. With one of these monster you can summon Firewall on Main Monster Zone so you can abuse his effect later on the combo. Not just giving a good space on early combo, but both of these monster will give all of your co-linked monster a very nice protection
Gouki Knightmare Weakness
This deck will rely in Normal Summon to get started to big combo. So card that can interrupt or stop Normal Summon like Solemn counter trap family and Trap Hole family will stop this deck from start any combo. And the main critical card is Isolde, so if your opponent can immediately destroy Isolde with card like Ghost Ogre and Snow Rabbit or can negate Isolde effect with card like Effect Veiler or Infinite Impermanence, Extra Link won't happen. Also this deck main strength is Gouki ability to search for other Gouki cards, so Ash Blossom and Joyous Spring will make the combo weaker, and even worse Droll and Lock Bird will stop the combo because you can't search any other card on that turn. Ghost Reaper and Winter Cheries can banish your Firewall or Isolde and make this deck less powerful. So be aware of opponent's Hand Trap.
With Extra Link combo, this deck can prevent your opponent from Special Summon any monster, but you won't prevent Normal Summon, so if your opponent has The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode, it's a bad news for you. Non targeting non destroying mass removal like Evenly Matched will be you worst nightmare, because you'll have no other resource to won the duel
With Extra Link combo, this deck can prevent your opponent from Special Summon any monster, but you won't prevent Normal Summon, so if your opponent has The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode, it's a bad news for you. Non targeting non destroying mass removal like Evenly Matched will be you worst nightmare, because you'll have no other resource to won the duel
Another Card Recommendation
To counter Hand Trap, maximum copies of Called by the Grave is a very good idea, but this card useless against Infinite Impermanece. If you want more space in your Main Deck, you can use Instant Fusion instead of Brilliant Fusion, still searchable via Darlingtonia's effect. For Seraphinite replacement you can use Invoked Raijin instead. So if you can't use him as material, at least you can use his effect to make one of your opponent's monster face-down or making himself face-down so you won't lost him on the End Phase. Solemn family is also a good adition for this deck, giving you more disruption effect while your monster protect each other. More hand trap or Infinite Impermanece also good because you won't go first forever. And for 2nd combo you can also use Anti-Spell Fragrance instead and bully some Pendulum user.
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~Don't Forget to Share, because sharing is caring~
Gouki Knightmare Deck June 2018
Reviewed by Admin Gessami
July 02, 2018

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