Thunder Dragon Deck August 2018
A brand new Thunder Dragon is awesome. With chaos-like effect you can summon so many powerful monster in one turn with just 2 or 3 cards combos. Thunder Dragon is also one of few archetype that can survive banish like effect from cards such as Darklaw or Marcro Cosmos, because they have Trigger Effect that triggered when they're banished. But the "good" thing is, all main deck monster's effect (except for the Original Thunder Dragon) are hard once per turn, so they're not really that broken. But very fun archetype to use. Here we go, Thunder Dragon Deck August 2018
About Thunder Dragon Archetype
The original Thunder Dragon and his Fusion Monster, Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon, now have a new support. Several Thunder-type LIGHT and DARK monster that have 2 effects, one that can activate if we discard the monster, and the other one when sent from field to Graveyard or banished. But we can only use one effect of each monster once per turn. So even each of them have 2 effects, we can only choose to activate 1 of them each turn. Beside 4 main deck Thunder Dragon monsters, there is also a powerful twin headed dragon, Aeon Thunder Dragon, that can be summoned by banishing 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK monster from graveyard. SO you'll have a 2800 ATK beater while potentially trigger some Thunder Dragon monster.
Thunder Dragon also get two brand new powerful Fusion Monster. A level 8 DARK Fusion monster that can easily summoned by tributing 1 non-Fusion Thunder monster from field if you have activated a Thunder monster's effect from your hand. Thunder Dragon also has a level 10 LIGHT Fusion monster that can easily summoned by banishing 1 Fusion Thunder monster from field and 1 Thunder Monster from hang if you have activated a Thunder monster's effect from hand. Superbolt Thunder Dragon will prevent your opponent to add card from deck except by drawing them, this effect is very powerful because today META have so many ways to search cards from deck to make a powerful board. And Thunder Dragon Lord has a non-targeting destroy effect whenever you activate a Thunder Monster's effect from hand. Useful to clear opponent's field and blow them with high ATK from these two monsters.
Invoked Thunder Dragon Play-style
Very easy to use, just activate any Thunder Dragon monster's effect from hand, and you will have a very powerful Fusion monster that has built-in protection. With help from Batteryman Solar and Gold Sarcophagus, you can easily access Thunder Dragon monster's effect that you ca use to make a very powerful board. If you want to see some action from Thunder Dragon, you can see my video about Thunder Dragon deck here :
Download Deck :
Thunder Dragon Deck Profile
Main Deck
Monster [26]
1 Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning2 Aeon Thunder Dragon
3 Bestial Thunder Dragon
3 Avian Thunder Dragon
3 Thunder Dragon
3 Bolt Thunder Dragon
1 Diana the Light Spirit
3 Batteryman Solar
2 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
2 Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit
3 Origin Thunder Dragon
Spell [13]
3 Allure of Darkness2 Instant Fusion
3 Gold Sarcophagus
1 Monster Reborn
2 Scapegoat
2 Thunder Dragon Fusion
Trap [1]
1 Infinite ImpermanenceExtra Deck
Fusion Monster [5]
2 Thunder Dragon Lord2 Superbolt Thunder Dragon
1 Kaminari Attack
Link Monster [10]
1 Borreload Dragon1 Saryuja Skull Dread
1 Darkness Metal, the Dark Steel Dragon
1 Summon Sorcerer
2 Kaminari Summer Vacation
1 Proxy Dragon
1 Link Spider
1 Linkuriboh
1 Relinquished Anima
Thunder Dragon Deck Combo & Tips
Combo #1
Cards needed : Origin Thunder Dragon + Avian Thunder Dragon
- Normal Summon Origin Thunder Dragon
- Use Origin to Link Summon Linkuriboh
- Use Origin's effect to add another Origin from deck to your hand
- Discard Avian Thunder Dragon to special summon Origin from Graveyard
- Tribute Origin to special summon Superbolt Thunder Dragon from extra deck
- (optional) Banish Superbolt from Field and Origin from hand to special summon Thunder Dragon Lord from Extra Deck
Combo #2
Cards needed : Gold Sarcophagus + Batteryman Solar
- Normal Summon Batteryman Solar and use the effect to send Bestial Thunder Dragon from Deck to Graveyard
- Activate Gold Sarcophagus to banish Bolt Thunder Dragon from deck
- This will trigger Bolt's effect, use the effect to add Avian Thunder Dragon from deck to your hand
- Discard Avian to special summon Bestial from Graveyard
- This will trigger Batteryman Solar's effect, use the effect to special summon 1 Batteryman Token
- Use Batteryman Token and Beastial to Link Summon Kaminari Summer Vacation
- This will trigger Bestial's effect, use the effect to special summon Origin Thunder Dragon from deck in Defense position
- Tribute Origin to special summon Superbolt Thunder Dragon from extra deck
- Use Origin's effect to add another Origin from deck to your hand
- Banish Superbolt from Field and Origin from hand to special summon Thunder Dragon Lord from Extra Deck
- Tribute Batteryman Solar to special summon another Superbolt Thunder Dragon from extra deck
Combo #3
Cards needed : Origin Thunder Dragon + Avian Thunder Dragon
- Normal Summon Batteryman Solar and use the effect to send Bestial Thunder Dragon from Deck to Graveyard
- Discard Avian to special summon Bestial from Graveyard
- This will trigger Batteryman Solar's effect, use the effect to special summon 1 Batteryman Token
- Use Batteryman Token and Beastial to Link Summon Kaminari Summer Vacation
- This will trigger Bestial's effect, use the effect to special summon Bolt Thunder Dragon from deck in Defense position
- Use Batteryman Solar and Kaminari Summer Vacation to Link Summon Summon Sorcerer
- Use Summon Sorcerer's effect to special summon Origin Thunder Dragon from deck in Defense position
- Use Origin to Link Summon Relinquished Anima
- Use Origin's effect to add another Origin from deck to your hand
- Use Summon Sorcerer and Relinquished Anima to Link Summon Darkness Metal, the Dark Steel Dragon
- Tribute Bolt to special summon Superbolt Thunder Dragon from extra deck
- This will trigger Bolt's effect, use the effect to add Thunder Dragon Fusion from deck to your hand
- Banish Superbolt from Field and Origin from hand to special summon Thunder Dragon Lord from Extra Deck
- Use Darkness Metal's effect to special summon any Thunder monster from graveyard, and Tribute that monster to special summon another Superbolt Thunder Dragon from extra deck
- Activate Thunder Dragon Fusion to Fusion Summon another Thunder Dragon Lord, by returning 3 Thunder Dragon monsters from graveyard and/or banished zone to deck
Tips #1
If you go first, summon Thunder Dragon Lord only if you have a quick effect Thunder Dragon like Origin or Bolt in your hand, so you can disrupt your opponent's action with Lord's non-targeting destroy effect. But if you have neither of them, go for Superbolt Thunder Dragon instead, so you can prevent your opponent to search cards
Tips #2
If you want to use the original Thunder Dragon while you have Thunder Dragon Lord, only add 1 copy of Thunder Dragon instead of two, so you can use it again to search another copy of Thunder Dragon while triggering Lord's effect.
Tips #3
Thunder Dragon Fusion is a good card to recover your monster to the deck. You can also return your original Thunder Dragons to the deck and use Thunder Dragon's effect like in Tips#2, so you can destroy more cards with Thunder Dragon Lord's effect. Thunder Dragon Fusion can also used to recover Thunder Dragon Fusion monster like Superbolt and Lord, so you can summon those monsters later on the game
Thunder Dragon Deck Key Cards
Key Card #1 Batteryman Solar
Basically this monster is a Foolish Burial for Thunder monster. With this monster you can easily send a Thunder Dragon monster that you need, usually used to send Bestial so you can make a bigger combo later. Also you can get a free Thunder-type token from this monster so you can summon Kaminari Summer Vacation much easier
Key Card #2 Beastial Thunder Dragon
For me Beastial is the main spammer for this deck. When this monster is sent from field to Graveyard or banished from everywhere, you can special summon any Thunder Dragon monster from deck. You can also "abuse" this effect with Gold Sarcophagus or even Allure of Darkness. Not only that, you can discard this monster from hand to recover any Thunder Dragon card in graveyard or banished zone. So you can also recover Thunder Dragon Fusion that used in last turn
Key Card #3 Bolt Thunder Dragon
The best and only searcher for Thunder dragon. When this monster is sent from field to Graveyard or banished from everywhere, you can search any Thunder Dragon card from deck, even the very broken card : Thunder Dragon Fusion. With Bolt, you can search for missing combo piece to make a very powerful board. Bolt also has a quick discard effect, so you can use this effect to trigger Lord's effect even in your opponent's turn
Thunder Dragon Weakness
Any card that prevent banishing like Imperial Iron Wall and Chaos Hunter will slowdown this deck, because if you want to make a big board, you need to banish cards. But the worst thing is any card that prevent Special Summon, like Vanity's Fiend, Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo, etc. Those cards will completely shut down this deck, because two cards that you'll Normal Summon with this deck are only Batteryman Solar and Origin Thunder Dragon, both of them have a micro ATK and not a good effect when alone. Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring and Droll & Lock Bird have a big chance to stop this deck combo, so be aware.
Another Card Recommendation
Anti hand trap card like Called by the Grave is a good card to prevent Ash blossom or Lock Bird to ruin your combos. Or you can use Brilliant Fusion, for Gem-knight monster you can use you can use Gem-Knight Tourmaline because he is a Thunder-type monster too, and for Fusion monster you can use Gem-Knight Seraphinite for bonus normal summon or Gem-Knight Prismaura to clear 1 card from opponent's field. Also Prismaura is a Thunder-type fusion monster, so you can use him to summon Thunder Dragon Lord. And if you using Brilliant Engine you can also send 1 of your Thunder Dragon monster to graveyard (LIGHT only if you use Seraphinite) so you can use it for later combos.
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~Don't Forget to Share, because sharing is caring~
Thunder Dragon Deck August 2018
Reviewed by Admin Gessami
August 15, 2018

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