Dinosaurs-Lightsworn Deck Link Format December 2017
With many monster that have high ATK points, many duelist categorize Dinosaurs as a Beatdown deck. With Lightsworn support and That Grass Looks Greener, we can made unique and powerfull 60-cards Dinosaurs Deck, because we have so many graveyard effect to choose, like special summon, or negate attack. But 60-cards deck become less popular since That Grass Looks Greener become limited. And Dinosaur itself become less popular since Ryosuke Tsujimura won 2017 Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG World Championship with his Dinosaur Yang Zing, some Dinosaurs cards and support become limited even banned. But this doesn't mean we can not make a good Dinosaur deck.
About Dinosaurs and Lightsworn Archetype
Both Dinosaurs and Lightsworn are old Archetype. Dinosaurs itself doesn't categorized as an Archetype, but as a Monster Type. The strategy of Dinosaurs Deck is simple, summon their high-Level monsters as quickly as possible then use the brute force to beat your opponent. Dinosaur get its popularity since Konami released Ultimate Conductor Tyranno, more powerful version of Super Conductor Tyranno and easier to summon. With some Dinosaurs support like Miscellaneousaurus, Soul-Devouring Oviraptor, and Babycerasaurus, this deck become very powerful, and later True King Dinosaur Yang Zing become so popular.
Lightsworn itself is an all Light-Attribute monster that has ability to self-mill, and in early 2017 they get some Dark-Attribute monster that has ability to banish Lightsworn cards. This Archetype is very old, before Synchro era. A very powerful and popular Archetype, since that era. with ability to self-mill, Lightsworn sometimes used in some other Archetype like Infernoid, Paleozoic, Skull Servant, etc. With new Link Monster, this Archetype once again become favorite for 60-cards deck user.
Dinosaurs-Lightsworn Play-style
Very simple, either use Grinder Golem to summon powerful Link Monsters, or use Lightsworn mill ability to abuse your Graveyard, or use new Dinosaur Spell Card to quickly summon Ultimate Conductor Tyranno from deck. For detail you can see my newest Dinosaur-Lightsworn (Dinosworn) deck, works excellent in Link Format :
Download Deck : https://goo.gl/oCcpBy
Dinosaur-Lightsworn Link Format Deck Profile
Main Deck
Monster [41]
3 Ultimate Conductor Tyranno3 Grinder Golem
2 Overtex Coalts
1 Destrudo the Lost Dragon's Frisson
1 Giant Rex
3 Wulf, Lightswon Beast
2 Fairy Tail - Snow
1 Miscellaneousaurus
3 Soul-Devouring Oviraptor
1 Balancer Lord
3 Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn
1 Performage Trick Clown
1 Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite
2 Armageddon Knight
1 Heroic Challenger - Heroic Blades
2 Felis, Lightsworn Archer
1 Electromagnetic Turtle
1 Revival Golem
1 Tyranno Infinity
1 Mathematician
1 Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit
1 Babycerasaurus
1 Maxx "C"
1 Re-cover
1 Jet Synchron
1 Jurrac Aeleo
1 Glow-up Bulb
Spell [19]
1 One for One1 That Grass Looks Greener
1 Shuffle Reborn
1 Reinforcement of the Army
3 Double Pill Evolution
3 Fossil Dig
1 Soul Charge
1 Reasoning
1 Foolish Burial
3 Left Arm Offering
3 Charge of the Light Brigade
Extra Deck
Synchro Monster [5]
1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier1 PSY-Framelord Omega
1 Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn
1 Naturia Beast
1 HI-Speedroid Chanbara
XYZ Monster [3]
1 Bujinki Amateratsu1 Minerva, the Exalted Lightsworn
1 Gagaga Cowboy
Link Monster [7]
1 Firewall Dragon1 Kyrios, Dominion of the Lightsworn
1 Akashic Magician
1 Proxy Dragon
1 Security Dragon
1 Link Spider
1 Linkuriboh
Dinosaurs-Lightsworn Deck Tips and Combos
Combo #1
Cards needed : Grinder Golem
Special summon 2 Grinder Token to special summon Grinder Golem in your opponent's field, place it below Extra Monster Zone. Use one Grinder Token to link summon Link Spider and the other Grinder Token to link summon Linkuriboh. Use both monster to link summon Akashic Magician and use its effect to return Grinder Golem to your hand. Special summon 2 Grinder Token to special summon Grinder Golem in your opponent's field for a second time. Use both Grinder Token to link summon Security Dragon and use its effect to return Grinder Golem to your hand. Special summon 2 Grinder Token to special summon Grinder Golem in your opponent's field for a third time. Use both Grinder Token and Security Dragon to link summon Firewall Dragon then use its effect to return Grinder Golem to your hand. Special summon 2 Grinder Token to special summon Grinder Golem in your opponent's field for a fourth time. Use one Grinder Token to special summon Linkuriboh from graveyard. Use Grinder Token, Akashic Magician, and Linkuriboh to link summon Kyrios, Dominion of the Lightsworn.
Combo #2
Cards needed : Armageddon Knight, Fossil Dig, One non-Dinosaur Monster
Normal summon Armageddon Knight then use its effect to send Overtex Coalts from deck to graveyard. Use Overtex Coalts effect in Graveyard to add Double Pill Evolution from deck to your hand. Activate Fossil Dig to add Giant Rex from deck to your hand. Activate Double Pill Evolution to banish Giant Rex and One non-Dinosaur Monster from hand, then special summon Ultimate Conductor Tyranno from deck. Banished Giant Rex will trigger its effect to special summon itself. Use Giant Rex and Armageddon Knight to XYZ summon Minerva, the Exalted Lightsworn.
Combo #3
Cards needed : Grinder Golem, Soul-Devouring Oviraptor, One non-Dinosaur Monster
Use Combo #1 to summon Firewall Dragon and Kyrios, Dominion of the Lightsworn.Make sure you place Linkuriboh beside Firewall Dragon before Link summon Kyrios. Because this will trigger Firewall Dragon's effect when Linkuriboh is send to graveyard, with this effect special summon Soul-Devouring Oviraptor from hand. Use Soul-Devouring Oviraptor's effect to add Miscellaneousaurus from deck to hand, and Kyrios's effect to send Overtex Coalts from deck to graveyard. Use Overtex Coalts's effect in Graveyard to add Double Pill Evolution from deck to your hand. Then use Miscellaneousaurus's effect to discard itself to graveyard then use its effect in graveyard to banish itself then special summon Jurrac Aeleo from deck. Use and to Synchro summon . Then activate Double Pill Evolution to banish one Dinosaur Monster from graveyard and one non-Dinosaur Monster from hand, then special summon Ultimate Conductor Tyranno from deck.
Tips #1
If you have Firewall Dragon, tribute Grinder Token for Linkuriboh before using any monster for link summon, so you can special summon monster from hand.
Tips #2
Use PSY-Framelord Omega to return important banished card like Re-cover, Jet Synchron, Giant Rex, etc. so you can use their effect on the next turn.
Tips #3
You can also use PSY-Framelord Omega in graveyard to return destroyed link monster to extra deck.
Tips #4
Make sure your life point always above 1000, so you won't die due to Performage Trick Clown effect.
This deck really needs graveyard to win, so effect that will banish card will hurt this deck so much. Be aware of Dimensional Fissure, Macro Cosmos, or Masked Hero Dark Law. Gravekeeper can also beat this deck, except you draw very good card like . The good news is Dimensional Fissure and Macro Cosmos is still limited, also Gravekeeper don't really have high ATK monster.
Another Card Recommendation
Don't try to add Judgement Dragon to this deck, because you only have 3 Lightsworn with different name in Graveyard. So the Gandora family will be good replacement for Judgement Dragon, don't forget to add Eclipse Dragon too. Another Kyrios, Dominion of the Lightsworn is also good, just in case your first one is destroyed, Grinder Golem combo is not the only one way to summon this card. Another Level 7 Synchro like Clear Wing Synchro Dragon or Black Rose Moonlight Dragon is a good replacement for Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn, since you can easily summon them with Armageddon Knight and Destrudo the Lost Dragon's Frisson.
Dinosaurs-Lightsworn Deck Link Format December 2017
Reviewed by Admin Gessami
December 10, 2017

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